
Can jumping rope build muscles?

building muscle by jump rope

Jump rope is a great form of exercise. In fact, it is one of the only exercises that requires your whole body to put in effort. There are certain myths that claim that you will lose muscle if you do jump rope. Is that real? NO! Let’s find out why.

How are muscles formed? 

Everyone has muscles, it is all about getting those muscles to show themselves. Many of us, especially those who do not exercise regularly, have relatively weak muscles and they are also covered with a layer of fat. When you exercise, you will burn fat. What will happen to the muscles? The more you use a specific muscle, it will undergo hypertrophy. This means that it will get bigger. After an exercise, your body fuses together broken muscle fibers to create new muscle protein strands, or myofibrils, as a means of replacing or repairing the damaged fibers. The thickening and proliferation of these repaired myofibrils results in muscular growth.

Sport man photo created by freepik – www.freepik.com

What muscles do rope jumping activate?

  • Forearms
  • Biceps
  • Triceps
  • Shoulders
  • Back muscles
  • Chest muscles
  • Glutes
  • Abs
  • Oblique muscles
  • Quadriceps

All these muscles will get a good workout from jumping rope. By using your entire upper body to regulate the force as you swing the rope, you are developing strength. The jumping motion itself strengthens your lower body. So, jumping rope has health benefits for your entire body!

Muscles activated by jumping rope – https://www.researchgate.net/publication/330832638_Types_of_Jumping_Rope_program_protocols

What rope for more muscle?

When you get used to jumping rope, you can switch to a heavy beaded or a weighted one. With each swing of a weighted jump rope, you work more muscle groups. The resistance increases with the weight of the rope. More resistance also leads to greater muscular activation.

Why am I not seeing muscles?

Believe it or not, diet also plays a role. Why do you think regular gym goers always drink protein shakes? It is because they want to build muscles. To start building muscles, you need to bulk up. In other words, when you exercise, your body has to burn something. During exercise, your body burns fat and also takes a little bit of that muscle with it. So, if you’re only doing lots of jumping rope, but eating too little protein and calories overall, you will not see results. If you want to see muscles quicker, you may add in resistance or weight training for those specific muscle groups.

Whey protein photo created by atlascompany – www.freepik.com

Jumping a weighted skipping rope works every muscle in your body, increases your heart’s aerobic capacity, burns a ton of body fat, and is a great method to keep in shape. So, to answer the question, can jumping rope build muscles? Yes!
To start your own rope jumping journey, click here to learn more by joining our Jope Rope 3000 programme now.



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