
What to prepare for your first jump rope?

Jump rope is a rather simple and easy sport that does not require much technique to start with. It can be done simply anywhere and anytime. Despite its convenience, it has no less benefits than any other sports! It improves our coordination, focus, helps us to lose weight, improves our heart health etc.. 

If you are on trend and are trying to start jumping rope, then you have come to the right place. So what should we do to prepare ourselves for the first jump rope? Our preparation is not limited to equipment like ropes, shoes or mats, but also our physical and mental readiness. We might think that we are already familiar with rope jumping since probably most of us have played this when we were young, maybe at school. However, there may be more than you expected.

1. Stretching

Photo Source: https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/back-view-young-athletic-dark-skinned-curly-brunette-female-stretching-her-hands-while-posing-black-sporty-top-fitness-female-model_11487829.htm#page=1&query=stretching&position=3

Before you start, or even to pick the rope up, you should definitely warm your body and muscles up. It is important particularly if you are not the type of flexible person. Start by stretching your core, especially your back. Also, don’t miss your flexors and quadriceps. Doing it well helps to reduce the risk of injury! Apart from warm up stretched, you also need cool-down stretches. When you exercise, your heart rate increases and your breath also turns deeper, meaning that you are burning calories. Doing cool-down stretches therefore allows the gradual recovery of your heart rate and blood pressure.

2. Equipments

Photo Source: https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/young-fitness-woman-headband-holding-skipping-ropes-smiling-standing-white-wall_13055205.htm#page=1&query=Rope&position=5

Apparently, the very first and essential thing you need is a jump rope. However, there are many kinds of ropes in the market, so which one should you choose? For beginners, beaded rope will be a good choice. (Click to get your beaded ropes!) As the rope is relatively lighter, it will be easier for beginners to handle while practicing or learning new tricks. Considering the length of the rope, step on the middle of the rope and pull it straight. Excluding the handle, the rope should reach your armpits. It is important to get the right length so as not to get you injured!

3. Mental Readiness

Photo Source: https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/young-sporty-man-concentrated-training-focused-athlete-looking-river-sunset-sportsman-preparing-running-fitness-healthy-lifestyle_11135155.htm#page=1&query=Ready%20mental&position=0

Exercising is not always about being physically ready, but also mentally. For example, listening to music, planning to reward yourself after a workout, writing down three things your body is good at are some ways to prepare your mind. Dr Jennifer Carter, a psychologist from The Ohio State University stated that our mindset can “either make or break a workout”. “If you feel inadequate you’re going to find everything that supports those feelings and not reach your goals,” she said. 

After all, it’s time to grab your rope and start jumping your rope! You may experience even more fun during the process. Enjoy it!





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