
How can Beginners Start Off Rope Jumping Now?

Rope jumping is definitely a fun way to improve cardio health and our balance. However, how can we start off the journey of rope skipping? Which rope suits beginners the most? What kind of training method is the most effective?

1. Beaded Rope

There are a great variety of ropes out there in the market, beaded rope, cotton rope, wire rope, etc. A beaded rope is the most recommended among all the different types of ropes. There are 3 main reasons that beaded rope stands out from the others: it helps you find the rhythm, gives you a lot more feedback and is kink-free.

When the beads hit the ground, sounds are produced. The sound will help you to get the rhythm, and it will be easier for you to jump consistently. Meanwhile, beaded ropes are heavier than other ropes. This will help you receive more feedback and develop better rope control, which will benefit the learning progress. Moreover, the beads can prevent the rope from tangling while you are practising. This will optimise your rope jumping experience.

2. Length of the Rope

Choosing the suitable type of ropes is crucial, but ensuring the rope has a suitable length is also essential. Before you start rope jumping, remember to adjust the rope!

Step 1: Step on the centre of the rope with both feet

Step 2: Pull the rope handles

Step 3: Ensure the top of the rope is in front of your chest. If not, adjust the length

After you adjust the length, you are ready to jump!

3. HIIT Training Method

To enhance your cardiovascular endurance while skipping, you can work on the HIIT training method. You can set a target for yourself, for example, a 10-minute training session. Within the training session, jump consistently for 30 seconds, rest for 30 seconds, and repeat until the end of the 10-minutes session. You can try to jump faster to increase the training intensity.

With a beaded rope that suits your height and using the HIIT Training method, you can start your rope jumping journey! Have fun and enjoy! Remember to share your thought with us in the comment area.

Rope jumping with HIIT
Photo Source: https://www.istockphoto.com/hk/search/2/image?phrase=hiit%20with%20jump%20rope&servicecontext=srp-searchbar-sticky 

With a beaded rope that suits your height and using the HIIT training method, you can start your rope jumping journey! Have fun and enjoy!



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